Category Archives: Exiting mainstream

Welcome to my blog!



Still many changes in the works.  Laptop issues have slowed blog posting.  Please see me on Facebook till I get issues resolved.

Rosanne Cash said:

“The key to change… is to let go of fear.”

Well, this has been quite a year.  Lots of change.  I never knew life could be so relaxed.  After spending my whole life in mainstream, it’s been a real adjustment to try and figure life out as it is now.  I find myself still running around trying to be all things to all people.  I’m finally learning I don’t have to do that.  I can slow down and breath.
Since so much of my life is spent now traveling to new places and meeting new people, I’ve decided to change the focus of this blog to travel.  It will still be a mish mash of things, but that’s still ok with me as it was in the beginning.  Variety and not being afraid to change is what has brought me and my husband to this life and for that I am grateful.
I still continue with my charity efforts and have settled on one in particular.  More details about that will follow.  A small business venture with a portion of proceeds going to that charity is also in the planning stages. 
Where would we be in this life if we were all afraid of change?  If this blog inspires even one person in the world to step outside their comfort zone and do something different or help another human being than my time spent on this earth was worth it.

“Cultivate the inner self; it’s Power becomes real”.  Lao-Tzu

After spending some time in this new life, it’s becoming clear that the focus of this blog is expanding.  I continue to work on a self study course to become a natural health consultant.  The material is dense and time consuming so this project will take some time.

In the meantime, the opportunities to observe human nature and pursue new adventures as we travel all over the country are presenting themselves in multiple ways.  I don’t know exactly where this blog will land in the end, but for right now it is continuing to evolve into a mixed realm of topics.  I love this because it tells me my life is rich in love, balance, good friends and never ending chances to give back to the world.  I hope you will continue to follow my journey and welcome you to post with me.




“Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.” Marsha Norman

This blog is about my ongoing journey to physical and spiritual health.   I have learned to listen.  Listen to my heart.  Listen to my body.  Listen to my spirit.  I would like to invite you to participate in the journey with me.  No topic is off limits here.  I would like this blog to become a forum for all men and women in mid-life who have struggled to learn who they are at their core and how their bodies talk to them.   At times the material here might feel like a mish mash of irrelevant information, but that’s ok with me as I hope it will be with you.  This blog is also about honesty and truly being able to be ourselves without judgement.  My writing will come from all over the country as I travel with my husband for his work, meet new people and experience new places.  We all need a safe place to vent…to feel heard. So say what’s on your mind and I’ll do the same.

Many blessings on your own personal journey to health, happiness and spiritual peace.

